
God of death, torturer of souls, God of damnation

Holy Symbol: Shrouded skull

Church Hierarchy

High priests are those who choose to lead and other choose to follow. Priests of Drakyr hold only to the laws of Drakyr. Any other laws are secondary.

Initiation into Priesthood

Initiates must spend six months in training in the theology of death. They must learn the methods of the priesthood and know who and how to kill. After this is completed, the initiate must find a person deserving death and give him to the god.

Initiation into Faithful

Those who wish to worship Drakyr must swear an oath of secrecy. Those who break their oath are put to death.

Edicts of Drakyr

  1. Those who damn themselves by deed or contract are to be destroyed to protect the innocent.

  2. Drakyr is the torturer of souls, and you are his agent.

  3. Enforce the Natural Law.

  4. Never allow the enemies of the church to know too much about it. Drakyr is the God of the Damned, and too many think that means Drakyr is an infernal power. Protect those of his faith.

  5. Protect the followers of Solemi. They have their purpose, let them accomplish it. They are our brethren.

Suborders of Priesthood

There are no suborders to this priesthood.